Start Your Own Business – Or Change Your Life-
Just By Making A Few Phone Calls!
Dear Friend,
If Donald Trump, H. Ross Perot, Nike, Winnebago & FedEx got Free Government Money before they were famous, You Can Too! Imagine milking the same system they did to suit your own dreams and change your life.
Everyone looks upon multi-millionaires like Steve Jobs, H. Ross Perot and Donald Trump as self-made success stories–but it’s not true! They made their first million using government giveaway programs. And they did it when they were complete unknowns. No one had ever heard of them when they pocketed their money. Sure, today they’re household names… but not back then. Even Paul Newman, the actor got free government money.
They took the money and they built a life that’s like a vacation every day. Their money worries are gone forever. Imagine what that would be like for you? They used government programs the way you now can… and the mind boggling news doesn’t stop there…
The most successful American companies have also jumped on the bandwagon including: Home Depot, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, America Online, Outback Steakhouse, Nike and Callaway Golf! They all received government money in the form of a grant, loan guarantee, loan, direct payment or fat, juicy contract!
Hey, anyway you spell it, it’s called CASH, CASH, CASH! And frankly who could blame them.? Would you turn down the opportunity for cash? They were just smart enough to know where to look for it.
Wouldn’t you like to have a buck for every time you’ve said to yourself: “If I could only get my hands on some money, I would…”
“Be my own boss”
“Quit my dead end job”
“Enjoy life more”
“Live my dreams”
“Buy a new car”
“Travel and eat out more often”
You can…. Just like the people listed here did. You can get $10,000…$25,000…$100,000 … even as much as $250,000 or more in free cash to start your own business, work at home at your own pace, full or part time. In fact you can get just about everything else you need to start your new life, including products to sell, office supplies and equipment, furniture, expert advice on personal matters, taxes, business…. The list is virtually endless!
All you have to do is take advantage of one of the largest and most powerful sources of free cash and know-how in the world-The US Government. And best of all, you can get as little services and money you need just by dialing the right phone numbers. Let me tell you more about how you can cash in on this endless well of free government giveaway programs.
Each year the U.S. Government sets aside $350 Billion to give away to people who want to change their lives and achieve financial independence by starting their own business or do something different like finding a great new job that pays big money.
No where else can you get your hands on this much for nothing. In fact the government has $350 billion up for grabs in over 14,322 give-away programs that hand out government grants, loans, direct payments, loan guarantees, contracts– even cold cash you can deposit in the bank! It’s literally like a 24 karat goldmine just waiting to be found by anyone who has ever dreamed of enjoying financial freedom and beating out the system.
I’ve been a columnist for The New York Times, Good Housekeeping and Maturity News. I’ve had two books on the New York Times Best Sellers list. The American Library Association presented me with Two “Best Book Of The Year” awards”.
I’ve been a regular guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Dave Letterman Show, Jay Leno, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Larry King Live in addition to many, many others. All because what I was saying was so amazing and true. That’s why they had me on! Why not put all this to work for you…
Everything in my books is now available online at my Government Money Club Search 10,000 Government Money Programs, Get Help filling out forms, applications, download informative videos, ask questions , get help now!
Order today and take advantage of over 35 years of Free money experience and $1000’s of dollars worth of Matthew Lesko research updated from over 75 Free Money Books and Videos.
Everyone is eligible for government money programs. I continue to use these programs for myself and my entire family. The rich and famous use these programs for their success. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, H. Ross Perot, Federal Express, and Nike shoes have all used these programs. These programs are for everyone who lives in this great democracy. You just have to know where to go to take advantage of them.
It is easy to think that grants such as real estate grants are for other people. I used to think that too. I grew up in the small town of Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, and I used to think that anyone who got free government grant money was either real rich and knew someone, or real poor and embarrassed. After 25 years of studying these programs I now know better. I personally got grants for business and to go to graduate school. My teenage sons even got a $10,000 grant to work on an anti-smoking project. I received government grants to put my kids through college and I make a good amount of money. My wife and sister have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in government money in the form of government contracts for their home-based businesses. Grants are for people who know about the programs — rich, poor, young or old. All Americans are eligible for something, but they just don’t know where the grants are.
You don’t have to be a Harvard graduate to write a successful book in the United States. I flunked English in college and sold over 2 million books!
$100,000 to write for the government on you kitchen table
$50,000 from publishers to write a novel or non-fiction
$10,000 to write books for kids
$12,000 to study your saxophone, dance or poetry
$5,000 to produce your own CD
$125,000 To Start A Non-Profit
$50,000 to open a teen center
$100,000 for programs to help seniors
$250,000 to develop housing for people with disabilities
$25,000 to help kids learn
Free help to set up a non-profit and apply for grants
$150,000 to open a bed and breakfast
$30,000 to go to school in Hawaii
$43,000 to become a French chef
$100,000 to open a restaurant
$150,000 to open a medical practice
$35,000 to become a grizzly bear tagger
$70,000 to study arts management
$50,000 to edit science magazines at home
$2,000 to study storytelling
$20,000 to produce TV shows for kids
$12,000 to attend a cowboy festival in Australia
$5,000 to start a street hockey distributorship
$75,000 to renovate an old house
$100,000 to start a day care center
$5,000 grant to train your employees
$22,000 of free training as a high school dropout
$5,000 if you hire an ex-aerospace worker
$150,000 business grant to start a coffee shop
$30,000 to start a craft business in your home
$2,000,000 grant or loan to be a real estate housing expert
$65,000 to open a hair salon
$50,000 to export cowboy boots to France
$10,000 to become a skate board distributor
$200,000 for your landscaping business
$300,000 to sell art to the government
$100,000 to be a freelancer working at home
$80,000 to Get The Education For Your Dream Job
$30,000 to become a French chef
$45,000 plus $1,200 per month to become a health professional
$15,000 to finish your degree at age 40
$25,000 to get a masters in counseling
$20,000 to finish your accounting degree
350 colleges to attend for free if you’re 55+
$10,000 To Train For A Promotion Or A Better Job
$8,000 to update your computer skills in 3 months
$5,000 to learn customer service skills
$15,000 to become a massage therapist
$5,000 for your new employer to hire you
$20/hr part time work while going to school
$10,000 for doctors to learn a new procedure
$12,000 to become a computer network engineer
$7,000 to learn to repair violins
$250,000 to Work On Your Invention
$150,000 to develop a measuring device for children
$75,000 to discover a way to eliminate rodents
$200,000 to improve the efficiency of automobiles
$60,000 to discover new uses for old tires
Now You Can Access Over 17,000 Programs… Hours of “How To” videos, Examples of approved Free Money applications ($50 value alone), Live Librarians to help point you to specific programs plus Lesko Live seminars are now available with the click of a mouse. No additional money is required. New programs arrive everyday. Join the Free Government Money Club Today
Order today and take advantage of over 35 years of Free money experience and $1000’s of dollars worth of Matthew Lesko research updated from over 75 Free Money Books and Videos.
Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed.